the otnaicus daily

Edition 165 – Visual DNA

Before you go harping about where’s Edition 164, that’s the last post that appeared in the old site. So I’m starting with Edition 165 here.

Took this test that my sister showed me. It bases your personality on the pictures that you choose and it’s pretty accurate. Take a look and the explanations are below.

Read my VisualDNAâ„¢ Get your own VisualDNAâ„¢

Moods – Sofisticat
You’re a romantic, sophisticated and love the beauty of wide open spaces. You can be a little nostalgic and love revisiting familiar places and memories. When it comes to art, you appreciate flair and precision. Highbro and in the know, you’ve got an eye for fine detail. As for music, it’s the soundtract to your world. It gives you focus, and concentration – you might find it hard to switch off. Your choice of treat reveals either real exhaustion, or maybe a bit of laziness? Either way, you’re never happier than when you are rugged, and snuggled up, eyes shut.

Fun – Conqueror
You like simple pleasures – sometimes there’s nothing more relaxing. You really value your “quiet time” – time to recharge. For kicks nothing beats an adrenaline rush. You like to take risks and push limits, you’re confident and brave – life is for the living. When it comes to holidays, there’s not stopping you once you’ve got the taste for adventure… It’s a chance to explore activities that you don’t have the time for in day-to-day life. What grosses you out? You like people to be well groomed, with a tight bod and heaps of sex appeal. Wobbly bits and hairy areas are a complete turn off.

Habits – New Wave Puritan
Even if you have a healthy approach to life, you still have your vices and a craving hunger drives your needs! So you’ll supersize it, you love convenience and that taste… Clean and pure – your choice of drink shows that on the whole you care about your health and make sure you’re putting the right stuff in. As for the home, you have very cool and contemporary taste and see yourself as a bit of a trend setter. You like your surroundings to be simple and as stylish as you.

Love – Love Bug
For you, love is about long-term commitment. You love the idea of commitment and the whole big day! When you think of freedom – you think of living for the here and now. You’re pretty fearless and take any opportunity given to you.

For those who know me, pretty accurate right? Not all are true of me of course, but most are. Try the test. The link is in the picture above.

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