the otnaicus daily

Edition 163 – A Comeback

Okay… Time to brush the cobwebs off this blog. I didn’t realize 2 months have passed since I last updated. Time flies and I’ve been quite the busy at work. But since I got requests to update this blog of mine, I shall acquiesce.

The first three months of this year have just flown by. And there were some firsts for me. Somewhere in January, I was involved on the video end of two concert productions. Not the kind that they’ll put to DVDs, but it was for the purpose of live projection. Nothing new for me taking part in these concerts, but it’s a first for me because I directed at the productions. First one was S.H.E. (a Taiwanese trio) and the other was Sally Yeh. A pretty unnerving experience for the S.H.E. concert. Expectations were high and I’m brand new at this job. But the second outing was much better, perhaps due to the fact that I had three cameras covering ONE person. But it was a good experience and I pray that more of these chances will come by. It is definitely a different experience when compared to directing a live production in church. Expectations and standards are different and you have to work with those standards. And some requests come in during the show itself and there you are, trying to talk to 3 different people on the cameras and the show’s producer is trying to get you to do something. Not easy… Definitely a good way to expand out of the box that we might have placed ourselves in serving in the ministry.

Work-wise is good too. I’ve been blessed with what amounted to 2 months worth of bonus pay, and plus all the freelance jobs I have done and are still getting, God has been really good to me after the building fund (sidetrack: completed paying the BF! PTL!) and I pray this doesn’t let up. Gets pretty busy when the freelance jobs come in, but I guess there has to be some sacrifice made. We do have to put ourselves in a position to be blessed. And this position is not sitting at home and bumming around doing nothing. It means that we have to work for it!! Haha…

For those of you who knows that I’m serving in the TV ministry in church, I’ve also been transferred to the Saturday team. The past few weeks have been a period of adjustment for me. It has been a total culture shock for me. Why? Because of the way the Saturday team operates and the constraints that we face. When I was in the Sunday team, everybody could report early to setup and be there for briefing. We even had time to conduct trainings before service started on Sunday. Maybe this is because Sunday service is the first thing on everybody’s Sunday calendar and everyone can be there. Not so in the Saturday team. You’ll have Children’s Church going on before main service. Coupled with the fact that a lot of the team members have cell group, work, etc., don’t be surprised if you find yourself with only 5 to 6 persons doing the entire setup. And don’t be surprised either when you only see half to three-quarters of your camera crew present. Now I can see that the Sunday team operates with less stress and I’ve been taking that for granted. I just have to get myself used to it! Don’t look back! Look forward! Hehehe….

I guess that’s about all. I promise to try to blog and update more frequently. Until then, God bless and cheers…. :Þ

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