the otnaicus daily

Edition 162 – What Is Creativity?

A thought recently struck my mind. What is creativity? What does it mean to different people? Why is it that creativity is only associated to people who’re in the creative industry? Why, for that matter, is it called a creative industry?

Here’s a different take on the idea of creativity: everybody is creative in his or her own way. A person doesn’t need to be in the creative industry to be a creative person. I don’t have to be, for example, a musician, to be considered a creative person. Why can’t a person working in a sales line be considered a creative person? He can be resourceful and full of ideas on how to make a sale. Can’t that be considered creativity? Or why can’t a manager who’s very good at managing projects and is always finishing projects ahead of time be considered creative?

The definition of creative is the ability to create. Doesn’t that mean that if a person can create something instead of imitating others, shouldn’t that person be considered creative? A lot of things a person does daily, like the way we solve problems at work can be considered creative. Often times, we are faced with situations that forces us to think out of the box, to come up with ways to counter the situations. Can’t that be attributed to the person’s creativity?

True that I’m looking at an alternative definition of the word “creativity”. But going strictly by the definition, we are all creative persons, albeit in our own way. Just my two cents….

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