the otnaicus daily

Edition 160 – Spanking Brand New Monitor

Christmas comes early for me this year. Right now, I’m sitting in front of a spanking new monitor and typing out this entry. Got a Dell 2007FPW 20″ widescreen LCD monitor as a Christmas present from my dad! Awesome, isn’t he…

So now I have a pretty interesting setup in my room, as you can see from the picture on the right. And I have reclaimed tonnes of desk space. Previously, my keyboard was pretty near the edge of the table and the monitor was off to one side of the table. Now the monitor is directly in front of me and is more comfortable this way. The old CRT is used for TV watching if needed. If not, the monitor remains off most of the time. So far, I’m enjoying the monitor. Nice and bright colours. Simply love it…

Just wanted to share my joy… Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

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