the otnaicus daily

Edition 158 – Interesting Two Weeks

It has been an interesting and busy two weeks. Finally went back to Jakarta last week after a hiatus of a few years. I say a few because I have lost count of how many. But nothing has changed there, with the exception of traffic getting worse. Managed to eat what I missed most from Indonesia, namely the Nasi Padang and the kuring-kuring cuisine. Was there for a short two days to finalize the sale of my house in Indonesia. Pretty much enjoyed the break away from work as well.

On top of that, I accepted a job to create a couple of videos for a friend’s friend. So on top of my regular 9am-6pm job, I have to go home at night to edit and composite effects, sometimes only ending at around 2am. But thank God that I manage to get through it. My client is very satisfied with the videos that I’ve come up with. Sounded simple enough when I accepted it. A compilation of interviews. But when you get down to it, and considering all the details, it was pretty intensive. Especially with the effects compositing. But when all is done, I’m pretty satisfied myself with my work. Another video to go into my portfolio. A quick testimony insert here: my client gave me 50% on top of my fee as a bonus. Praise the Lord!!

So yeah, all in all, a fun-packed, albeit a bit tiring, fortnight. Enjoyed doing the editing and effects after not touching it for a while. But quite stressful considering that I can only work at night. And it affects social life too. Oh well, I have to position myself for a blessing if I’m expecting a blessing. If that means a bit of hard work, so be it.

Gotta stop here first and get back to work. Had to take a break from programming. Until the next update, cheers… :Þ

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