the otnaicus daily

Edition 157 – One Month Later…

Yup, it has been a month since I blogged. Seems to have become commonplace that I take a month’s break between posts. Well, it has been a busy month and haven’t had much time to blog even though I have had random thoughts that are worth posting. Unfortunately, the random thoughts are randomly gone…

I still owe you the panorama stitch of the Taipei skyline as taken from Taipei 101. That I haven’t forgotten. Speaking about pictures, I’ve been uploading to my Flickr account pretty often lately. You can check out my pics at Not so much artistic pictures but random pictures that were taken during our frequent Sunday outings with a few friends from the TV Ministry. Hope you guys have a good laugh from it…

I’m off to Jakarta on Thursday for a couple of days. Gosh, it’s been ages since I have been back there. Wonder what has changed? I hope I can get in a bit of shopping in the two days and cram in some good food that I miss. See if I can get a pair of jeans or two from there. Aside from being stuck in the traffic jams, I should think it would be quite a good time.

A friend is getting married this Sunday and I’m on “uncle” duty. To the uninitiated, “uncle” is a colloquial term for being part of the groom’s entourage. Think it’ll be quite fun. Second time for me. But Sunday will be a bit of a mad rush around as I have to rush back home in the afternoon to wait for my parents, who’re flying in from Jakarta. Then after that, it’s off to the wedding dinner in the evening. And on Monday, it’s back to work.

Guess that’s all the updates for now. Until the next time I update (hopefully, with the pictures I’ve promised), cheers…. :Þ

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