the otnaicus daily

Edition 154 – Blogging from Taipei, Again

Haha… Yes, I’m back in Taipei again. Went back to Singapore on 31 August for one week and then flew back here just yesterday night. This time round, to complete the project. Target date of heading back to Singapore is 20 September. Colleague said that chances of extending quite high, but I pray that I can go home first. Why? I’ll tell you later…

Updated the look of the sidebar a bit. Now there’s a flickr badge. And I’ve finally gotten around to changing the tag board back to the TagBoard. Much better as the previous one fails to load most of the time. So I do hope to see more activitiy in this blog and the tag. Hopefully, the pictures in the flickr badge will change more often as well.

Now, as to why I hope to be able to go back by 20 September. Cuz on 21 September, it’s my dear’s birthday! Haha. So I wouldn’t want to miss it if possible. Wanna be back home to celebrate with her and to wish her happy birthday in person rather than over the phone or MSN or Skype. But just in case, I’ve got a backup plan ready. Not gonna reveal it here because she also reads this blog. Will tell you more about it after it happens…

Anyhow, I gotta get back to work. Not too sure what to do as my colleague is away in a meeting and he didn’t say what I need to do. So I’ll just catch up on some backlog of stuff that’s related to another project that I’m supporting. Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

Quick Edit
Migrated the blog over to Blogger Beta. So the look and feel has changed yet again.

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