the otnaicus daily

Edition 146 – A New Beginning

A new beginning? Yeah… A new beginning at a new job. Yup, I have landed myself a job since my last post. Remember the second round interview I mentioned in Edition 145? After that interview, I went to Taipei for the mission trip and came back to an offer letter waiting for me in my email inbox. Was actually quite hesitant to accept the offer as I was scared. Scared of what, I do not know. But now that I’ve started work, I kinda like the environment. Small outfit means low headcount. And the people here are friendly and nice. It’s my second day of work today and I have been put onto a small project already.

Easter is finally over. The long rehearsals and almost sleepless nights have paid off. A lot of people responded to the altar call at the end of each service. Thank God that I was able to pull off the assistant director role that I played. Of course by the Sunday services, I was a bit “stoned” and tired and missed a few of the cues for the camera crew. But I’m looking forward to improve my skills in this area. Got a chance to direct the last service’s drama too; the beginning of it at least. Challenging…. The next drama performance? Mother’s Day in approximately a month’s time.

Short break over. Just a quickie update on my life. It’s raining pretty heavily here right now and feel like snoozing. But work’s awaiting and I need to read up on some stuff to prepare for the things to come. So until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

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