the otnaicus daily

Edition 142 – An Update

Apologies for the lack of updates lately. Had the intention to update after Valentine’s Day but didn’t get around to it. Don’t know whether I’ve been lazy or just plain busy.

Actually, nothing much to be busy about lately since the plug has been pulled on my project. What I’ve been doing lately was to write up a final report for the project manager to compile. And maybe after that, I can start working on commenting the code to make it easier for whoever is taking over to read and understand the code.

Valentine’s Day was, with the exception of me leaving my phone in the cab, a success; I think. Went to Wild Rocket as planned. Though the dinner started late (9pm actually), had a good time. The food was good; nicest piece of salmon I had in a while. The company was even better. Suffice it to say it went very very well. And up till now, still thinking about the evening.

Back in the job hunt mode now. Went for an interview on Friday and I think it went well. Still waiting to hear back from them. Think they might balk because of my expected pay but I did tell them it was negotiable. But I don’t know whether I would seriously want to take up the job as they mentioned to me upfront to expect long hours and high pressure environment. Don’t know whether it’s fear of long hours or because I don’t want to miss CG, service and duty. But will continue to pray over it while pursuing other leads.

Well, I guess that’s about all for now. Will update again soon. Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

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