the otnaicus daily

Edition 141 – Yet Another Day

Well, it’s the end of another day. Not a bad day, considering the fact that it is a Monday and that I’m pretty sleepy from the lack of sleep over the weekend.

Made a startling realisation today. Realised that over the past few months, I have not managed to save much from my income. I’m still at a lost as to why that is so. Over expenditure because I wanted to get the stuff that I otherwise would not have been able to afford? Or is it because of the Building Fund? Well, I’m determined to keep a closer eye on my expenditure from now on. Can’t go on like this forever. Heh….

Sat down to edit my resume and cover letters today. Time to start sending those resumes out again, since I don’t know whether my current contract will be extended or not. I must say that it’s not easy. Writer’s block? Maybe. But still it has to be done. So God, guide me through this.

Okay. I must admit, a rather incoherent entry. I’ll just leave it as it is for now. Think I do have writer’s block today. Haha.. Until next time, cheers… :Þ

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