the otnaicus daily

Edition 139 – The Demo That Everybody Is Waitng For

Sigh… I’ve been at the office since 9am to setup for a demo that is supposed to start at 9.45am. It’s now 11.05am as I’m writing this and still no sign of the visitors. Is it ever going to happen? Sigh….

Well, Chinese New Year is around the corner. Looking forward to another trip back home to Penang. Same duration as last time but I’m on a later flight to Penang. An hour later than Penny’s actually. And by the way, my leave finally got approved so now I can finalise my flight plans.

As I finish off this ranting entry, I just want to put in one more rant. My eye is bugging the heck out of me…. Until next time, cheers… :Þ

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