the otnaicus daily

Edition 137 – Happy New Year

Happy New Year to one and all!!! I know I’m a few days late but haven’t had much of a mood to blog the past few days. But suffice it to say, I had one good countdown, a nice BBQ dinner to start off 2006 and a nice trip to JB with my church mates on the 2nd day of the new year.

First the BBQ. Nice food provided by my boss. Yes, it’s a New Year’s BBQ at his place and we were invited along with some of his family. Nicest food I’ve had for a BBQ in a long time. Cray fish, steak, prawns, squid, sting ray, pork fillets, chicken fillets, satay, $6-a-piece otah, etc. You get the idea. I practically stood by the pit the whole night cooking the food up. Basically, chef for the night. Haha. To date, nobody has reported a bad case of food poisoning so I think I’m safe.

The countdown next. After service on Saturday (a good one mind you, finally getting the hang of directing in Expo), we went to the coffeeshop by Michelle’s place to grab a bite. Ordered quite a bit too and somehow ended up with two plates of rojak which nobody had any problems finishing. Aside from that, we all ordered our own individual dishes and a host of other stuff to share like carrot cake and oyster omelette. Nice and economical dinner I must say. After that, Sam, Jamie and me adjourned to Michelle’s place for durian and watched some of CCC’s productions. Not a bad way to spend the countdown; that is away from the crowd in the comforts of your own home. In this case, a friend’s home.

To Johor then we go. Usual stuff in the day; shopping and what not. Dinner was seafood at the usual place we all go. But the highlight of the entire trip was the trip back to Singapore. We actually walked across the Causeway to the Woodlands Checkpoint. Why? Because there was a massive jam at Johor on the road leading to the Johor checkpoint. The buses were severly delayed and the queue getting ever longer. So in the end, we decided to walk. Stopped in the middle of the Causeway to take pictures some more. Haha. And my first experience too. Interesting. Haha…

Well, that about sums up the long weekend I had. But looking back at 2005, I feel that it has been an exciting year indeed and God deserves all the glory for what has happened in 2005. I thank Him for both the trials and the good times and blessings. And my prayer for 2006 is that I will grow even more in Him and move on to another level in my relationship with Him and in my ministry to Him. And, to lose some weight as well.. Hahaha…

The end of another day. About to pack up and leave office for the comforts of home and a nice dinner. So until the next post, cheers… :Þ

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