the otnaicus daily

Edition 136 – UE 5 Pro Earphones Here!!!

Yes!!! My ultra-expensive earphones have finally arrived. Cost about the same as a pair of Oakleys (the metal-framed ones). The earphones are from Ultimate Ears and it’s called the 5 Pro. And my iPod has never sounded so beautiful.

Basically, it’s a pair of in-canal earphones, much like what performing artists wear as in-ear monitors. Comes with two drivers per side, one for the high frequencies and one for the low frequencies. The bass response is soooo much better than the included Apple earbuds or any other earphones I’ve ever owned. The details you can hear from the earphones are amazing. On some songs, you’ll think that you’re hearing distortion or static in the background when actually it’s the amazingly super soft sounds, or the details, that you’re hearing. It’s a hearing experience to behold. Worth every cent I spent on this baby.

Okay… Enough about my new pair of earphones. Now about Christmas…

My family came down to Singapore… Yay!! First Christmas I had in a long time with my parents. We went to The Line at Shangri-La Hotel. The food was simply fabulous. It’s an international buffet. So we started off with the crustacean section. Had French and Canadian oysters (the former saltier in taste), crab legs that were so huge we suspect they’re actually from Alaskan crabs, steamed prawns, cray fish, scallops, mussels, etc. That was just the appetizer. They had a salad bar, all greens. Then comes the hot food. They had Western, Asian and Indian. And the Indian was authentic. Their tandoori chicken is not the red type you find on the streets but those that you can find in India itself. Can’t remember their entire selection, but suffice it to say it’s mucho good. The desserts were also pretty good but by then I couldn’t eat much more. All in all, worth the $88+++ my dad shelled out. But it’s much cheaper during normal days, at $68+++ if I’m not mistaken. A should-try…

And for Christmas, I got a spanking new Crumpler bag. In particular, the King Single. Now got a nice nice bag to lug my laptop around without extra cases.

Yeah, all in all, a pretty fun Christmas. But missed all the nice food, wine and company at Michelle’s place too on Christmas eve.

Well, I’m in a bit of a holiday mood this week cuz of the long weekend that’s coming up. But will definitely need to get some work done today in preparation for the demo cum meeting later this afternoon. Until the next time I update, cheers…. :Þ

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