the otnaicus daily

Edition 135 – Merry Christmas

Christmas is indeed around the corner. I’m definitely looking forward to the long weekend and the extra bit of rest that should come my way. Also, my family is coming down to Singapore on Christmas Day itself and we’re going to have extremely expensive buffet for dinner that evening itself. Gonna try out The Line at Shangri-La Hotel. Kinda on the expensive side ($88+++ for Christmas), but hopefully the crustaceans that they serve and the chocolate fountain will more than make up for it.

Today feels like Christmas Eve. Not much mood to work in the office, especially having heard that some of my friends have either taken half-day leave or their company grants all employees half-day off. So today was quite unproductive until we had a progress meeting this afternoon. Thankfully, it was rather mild compared to last week’s. I think my friend and me are beginning to settle into the fact that yes, he is our project manager and there’s nothing much we can do about it. Thank God that big boss didn’t come too, else I guess the meeting might have been dragged.

I’m here now at church (Jurong West premise) and waiting for the JAMs church rehearsal to start. Hopefully it won’t go on till 1am as planned and we can all go home early. Have the intention to go meet Michelle for supper with Jian Ming and maybe Sam. WELCOME HOME MICHELLE!!!! Hahaha…

Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day. Estimate at least 12 hours in church (again, Jurong West premise) and then I’m off home to get the stuff for Monday’s appreciation ready. Still got the certificates to design for the award winners and the SOT students. And I think I’ll need to go blast $50+ for new ink cartridges as I’m printing them out. In photo quality. On glossy photo paper. Gosh, hope I’ll be able to get some decent sleep this weekend. Sounds like I may not get that much sleep after all.

Well, that’s all for now. Merry Christmas to one and all… The year is indeed coming to an end… If we have met all our goals this year, may we make bigger goals and strive towards them next year. If we had a disappointing year, don’t worry. God is a God of fresh starts and next year will be a new year for us to prove ourselves. Until my next post, cheers… :Þ

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