the otnaicus daily

Edition 134 – Friday Almost Spoilt

Sigh… It’s a Friday that is almost gone down the drain. It’s supposed to be a happy day today, what with the BBQ that we’re gonna have tonight at a professor’s place, the chance of directing at Expo for the first time tomorrow, and the general fact that it’s a Friday. But now, all that happy vibe is almost totally sapped away by a round of meetings this morning. Just got dumped with a whole load of programming work to do plus need to work out some timelines for it. Some of you may know the new work arrangement that we have in the project I’m working on, but I just have some problems with the arrangement. I don’t know why, but I just have this thing against it. But whatever it is, I’m determined to pull through this, to shine for God through all of this.

There’s gonna be another round of project meetings later this afternoon. Hopefully I’ll be in a better mood then and some of the Friday mood would have come back to me. And pray that the meeting this afternoon will not kill it off anymore.

Better get back to work now. Just had to let off some steam before I start work in ernest. I hope my posts here won’t become just rants. Well, here’s to looking forward to a better Friday…. :Þ

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