the otnaicus daily

Edition 131

Heh… Yes… My 131st post in this blog of mine that I started ages ago during an exam period in my university days to keep my boredom in check.

Have been pretty busy at work. Even then, I had a revelation just yesterday about the sheer magnitude of the task I have in front of me. Guess I have to start shifting to higher gears at work. Time to buckle down and grit my teeth and get through with things. While I may still be not as proficient as I may want to be at programming, but I’m picking things up fast and with God’s strength and wisdom, I’ll be able to get through it. I’m gonna view this time as a testing and may I emerge stronger…. :Þ

Another first in my worklife. I got an MC today. The doctor gave me two days for a bad tummy and a severe nauseating headache. Checked my blood pressure and pronounced it normal. Said my headache due to tension and so gave me two days of rest. Think I will put it to good use to recover well and then get back to work with gusto…

Got my first phone bill for my mobile. Transferred it over to my name some time back and now daddy no longer pays for the bills. And now, to manage my money wisely… God, wisdom for that also please??

Haha.. Kk… I better go get some rest… Until Edition 132, cheers…. :Þ

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