the otnaicus daily

I’m Back!!!

Yes… I’m back in the blogging world. Haven’t had a lot of motivation to blog. Don’t know why, but I’m back anyways…

So, it has been a rather eventful month in October. A lot of things happened after my last post in the area of work. Can’t really elaborate much but suffice it to say that it’s gonna get busier and busier and more stressful around here. Finally, there’s something being done about finalising development plans so we have a concrete plan to follow during development. But at the same time, we begin to realise the immense complexity of this project given that it has to be done in the remaining 3 months. I feel that it is a rather short amount of time, but God’s grace is sufficient. I pray that I emerge a stronger and better person through this “trial”. Haha…

Went back to Penang to visit my parents last week. Had a nice week with them. Took two days worth of leave cuz of Deepavali and Hari Raya Aidilfitri. So I went back from 28 October till 3 November. Think I mentioned this in one of my previous posts. For the first time, my clothes shopping done in Penang was with my own money!! Spent quite a lot actually. Bought 2 Dockers slacks, a few shirts and a spanking new swimsuit. Some still paid for by my parents, but majority of it came from my own pocket.

It’s gonna get exciting very very soon in terms of my church ministry. The shift to Singapore Expo is beginning to excite a lot of people. It’s gonna be something major and I look forward to the first service there. I’m slated to be directing on alternate weeks and I can already feel the stress and pressure when that was announced. But if God put me there, I’m sure He’ll provide me a way to handle the job. And I’m determined to be the best director that I can be.

Back to work liaoz… Not much to do, I think. But got some other stuff to clear as well. So until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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