the otnaicus daily

An Eventful Week

It has been a rather eventful week, although there were only two major happenings in my life. I guess the things being major makes it look rather eventful.

First the good news. I’ve received the approval letter for my PR application. And so, I’m one step closer to getting my Singapore Blue Identity Card.

The second major thing came as a very rude shock and awakening to me and it arrived on the same day as the approval letter for my PR application. A dear friend of our “gang” back in NTU passed away. Yes, our dear “comrade-in-arms”, a gaming buddy of many and a very very dear friend to a lot of people, passed away. Somehow, this comes as a awakening for me as to how life is so precious but yet so fragile. Went to the wake yesterday and the feeling I got from attending this wake is so very different from all the other wakes. It all just so seems unreal until you arrive at the wake and pay your final respects. I was just standing there, facing his recently taken graduation photograph and it all just hits me; how young he still is and how he had the potential to do great things in his life. And from the amount of people I saw at the wake, you can see that he is one person that has touched a lot of people’s lives.

I guess, at some point, we have to pick up and move on. But the memories of the times spent together mugging and playing will be with all of us always….

My friend Jiwei, we are going to miss you dearly……..

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