the otnaicus daily

The Start of October 2005

And can I just state for the record that the month has been quite crappy so far. Yesterday night, my desktop’s second hard drive died. What’s on it? Oh, nothing much. Just most of my photos, my entire movie and music collection and the downloads I’ve amassed over the years. ARGH!!!!! *pulls hair*

From now on, I’m gonna buy a large dedicated hard drive for backup purposes and mount it in an external casing. And large meaning 250GB and above so that I can have enough backup storage for my notebook and desktop. And hopefully, the dead hard drive is still under warranty so that I can just get it replaced an dnot buy a new one. Two hard disks can cause quite a large hole in my pocket.

The end of September wasn’t all that great either. Got involved in a car accident (I was the passenger). It’s surprising how much damage was done to my friend’s car and very minimal damage was done to the car he hit. Oh well. Thank God that no major injuries. My other friend who was in the front seat had a sprained neck and my left arm’s triceps and collar bone hurt for a bit. But other than that, the only victim of the accident was a stray dog which was the cause of the accident in the first place.

Sigh… I just hope that the rest of the month will be a fantastic one. I pray to God and confess it right now that it’s gonna be better!!!! AMEN!!!!

Time to get back to work…. Drop me a line in my tag board… Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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