the otnaicus daily

Just Another Update

Wow… It’s been almost a week since I last blogged! Oh well, got excuse this time. And it’s not that I’m lazy. Just that I’m BUSY!!!! Yes, busy and not slacking off at work.

Let’s pick up where I last left off. So I got my job offer letter, which I accepted and will be going to apply for PR tomorrow or latest by Friday. My contract starts effective Monday 12 September. And they’ve upped my pay a bit since they gotta pay me for the 3 weeks I’ve already been working. So all in all, my 6-month contract has become a 6.75-month contract. Hehe… God is good!

On top of that, had an interview on Monday at ITE for a lecturer’s position. Think the interview went fairly well, but I might have given some very contradictory answers. Guess I have to work more on that department. Seems like I’ve been giving some contradicting answers when I go for interviews. But this job, if I’m offered, I can only take from next February onwards. And I’m also not very sure if I really want a job in teaching; not that I despise it or anything. I show great appreciation towards teachers who really are serious about moulding lives and shaping it for the things to come.

And a catastrophe happened at work yesterday. Power outage to the server and the RAID array. Thankfully, most of the important data are still around, although we lost one array totally. Sigh…

Enough rambling for now. Gotta get back to work, or rather, start working. Plus, I might have to take a Bible study quiz tonight, so gotta find time to study for that. Until next time, cheers… :Þ

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