the otnaicus daily

Just Another Day…

Sigh… Another restless day for me. Ever since I came back from lunch, have been feeling super restless. I don’t know why but I think a little prayer to God has worked. Feeling much better now although I still feel a bit the restless. Hope it’ll just get better as I trust in Him to guide me through my work.

Finally got a call from NTU’s Office of Human Resources just now. The lady on the phone asked me to go over to pick up my offer letter as well as to settle my SPR stuff. I just have to thank God for this. Have been waiting ages to finally try to get this done. And I was just griping about it to Lifang yesterday night on the way home from Bible study. God works wonders, amen? So tomorrow going to get the administrative stuff settled, including a health check-up at the NTU Medical Centre. Now to start praying to God that I’ll actually get the SPR. Please do keep me in your prayers.

Well, that’s a piece of good news that I thought I wanted to share with everyone. And also to get away from typing my paper for a while; not that I’ve done much the whole day anyway. But have to plough through and get it done. God, please arm me with a fresh supply of smoke bombs!!! Hahaha… In other words, God, please tell me what to write. Suffering from a bit of writer’s block also.

Time for me to get back to work. A teeny weenie update from the story that’s my life. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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