the otnaicus daily


Before you go jumping to conclusions, it’s just me venting my frustrations at programming and trying to setup a site for forums. ARGH!!!!!!

Anyway, an update regarding the dinner last Thursday. Like I mentioned, we went to Grand Hyatt’s Mezza9. Altogether, we had 12 adults and one kid. And following is a blow-by-blow account of how the dinner went. Please try to keep away from your keyboard or any other electrical appliance as you might end up drooling after the account. Haha. Well, here goes….

We had tonnes of appetizers. Think big boss ordered two of every dish. As Mezza9 is a multi-cuisine restaurant, we had salads, meats on skewers, some bread topped with dunno what, sashimi, sushi and (*gasp) foie gras. Huh? Haha. Foie gras (think I spelled it wrong) is fattened goose or duck liver. For those of you who know what it is and how it’s made, don’t go lecturing me please. It’s prob the only time I’m gonna ever taste it. And to top that off, our host had two bottles of wine opened; one red, one white. And I think I found my next favourite wine varietal, which is the Riesling. Nice and fruity, not too dry. The red was good too, but dunno which variety as it was French and the French don’t categorize their wines by variety but by region. By the end of the appetizers, we were basically 75% full.

Main Course
So Jimmy, Su Wei, Cai Yi and myself decided to order a few dishes to share. So we put in an order for fried rice, steamed sea bass (teochew style), sweet and sour prawns and a meat platter for two (western style). Well, we basically had a hard time getting everything down into our tummies cuz we had a fabulous round of appetizers. Not that we were greedy or anything but we didn’t know that there were gonna be so much appetizers. And came the second bottle of white and red wine, same type.

We had a white chocolate cake for dessert. The cake was part of Su Wei’s birthday celebrations as her birthday was the next day. Think we would have enjoyed the cake more if not for the fact that we were stuffed beyond belief.

Yup… So that was the meal. Estimated cost? Perhaps close to $2k? I’ll never know, but all I know that is it’s one heck of a dinner. And Mezza9’s food is pretty good but also pricey. So if you wanna go there, go there with a very very deep pocket. A simple meal for two with starters, main course and desserts would set you back by about $200 to $300. And it’ll definitely go up if you are ordering drinks.

Okay…. Now back to reality…. At work… Given new task to setup a forums webpage on the Centre’s Xserve server. A relatively simple task made complicated by the fact that I don’t have a lot of the passwords needed and have no clue to where certain components needed are actually installed. Worse of all is that the forum scripts have minimum requirements such as it can only use certain versions of required components. And if I don’t know where the components are installed, how the heck am I supposed to know which version is installed? Oh well, but that’s something that kept me going the whole morning and thank God for an opportunity to play with that server. Think the setup costs almost $30k. Mighty expensive toys….

Okay… Gotta get back to debugging my program. Just needed to rant a bit. Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

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