the otnaicus daily

Just Another Quiet Thursday Morning

Have been sitting in front of a monitor for almost 10 hours today already. Not 10 hours in a row, but even then, it starts doing things to your eyes, like for example, the loss of ability for your eyes to focus properly. Haha. A reminder of Taipei.

Scrubbing (an editing term) through a tape that has no audio is really weird. Exactly like watching a silent movie, only that the lips of the person move. So half the time you’re wondering what the person is actually saying. Coupled with the silence of the CHC Media Department at this unearthly hour of 1.40am, I’m really not in my element. Need some music. Need some nice noise to help me keep awake…. *yawnz*

Yay!! My new table from Ikea is arriving tomorrow. Haven’t sort out a space in my room for it yet though but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Pretty excited about it and can’t wait till I get my hands on it to assemble it. Then my computer will be further away and the noise of the fan won’t bother me that much at night. Right now, cuz my computer is right next bed, it irritates me when I get into bed at night to try to go to sleep. Sounds like bees buzzing in one of your ear. But then, when you’re sleepy and tired enough, the noise will be drowned out by the sweet silence when you’re finally asleep.

Okay… Enough ranting… Oh.. Did I mention that bus fares were going up again? But then again, you’d already know. Unless….. Unless you’re still a student…. Unless…. You couldn’t care less about what’s going on in the world…. Unless…………

Getting crappy and cranky… Until next time…. otnaicus out…. :Þ

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