the otnaicus daily

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Four months of this year has passed. Into the fifth month. That translates to me being unemployed for four months and I’ve got two months left before my student pass expires. But I believe that God will grant me a job soon. Have been sending out resumes to places where there are opportunities. I wonder whether I should just start unsolicited resumes. Sometimes, this all gets frustrating. When I see by course mates that have finished at the same time as me having jobs, I feel that I’m the last person from the batch that has yet to land a job. But I’ll leave it all to God. And of course, more resumes going out…. Hehehe…

Yup… This Sunday is Mother’s Day. Please do remember to do something nice to your mom if you can. If you’re separated by the oceans, at least call or send a card k? Must always remember that our mother is still our mother no matter how far apart you are from her.

It’s has been a long few days, with all the rehearsals and job searching and helping out in church with the Pastor’s Course. But it has been fulfliing. At least, I’m doing something that I enjoy. Early days means that it gets harder to wake up as the week goes by. So this weekend must sleep and recharge. Cuz next week, got another week of Pastor’s Course and got Rev. Dr. Phil Pringle is in town the whole week next week. Gonna be a great time.

Okie… Better I get back to directing Pastor’s Course properly. Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

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