the otnaicus daily

Reporting from Taipei

Yep.. In Taipei now. For those of you who are unsure as to where the heck Taipei is, it’s in Taiwan. Where’s Taiwan? It’s somewhere in this world. Go look up an atlas or globe or something…..

Well, Pastor Kong is having a conference here. Actually, he’s going through with the local leaders our church’s bible study materials. Crash course. Each bible study course is 10 chapters long and it’s covered within a day. Shiong ah… My role here? Cameraman lor…. This is called stress testing of a cameraman… 10 hours non-stop on camera (of course got breaks lah) and with the same crowd some more. Good experience sia. Have to think up of new angles to shoot the same crowd. By lunchtime, you’ll be exhausted of shots already… Hahaha…

Not gonna have time to look around the place, but have been enjoying the food here lah.. Hope I didn’t gain any kilos…

Anyway, gotta sign off now… Posting in between sessions…. Until the next time, cheers…. :Þ

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