the otnaicus daily

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Happy Chinese New Year!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!

Yeah yeah, I know that I’m late with the wishes and it’s like the fourth day of the New Year already. But hey, better late then never right?

Anyway, I got excuse one okay? In Penang lah. So using dial-up. So leceh to log in. So never log in regularly. So…… Ah well, you get the idea.

The simple life in Penang. Away from all the hassles and problems in Singapore. Jobs, accomodation, the works. Feels like running away from it all huh? Well, still get troubled when I start thinking about it. Coupled with the fact that I’ll be returning to all this troubles soon. Sigh… God, please help me. Show me the corect way….

Anyway, gotta go shower and sleep. Think parents are gonna wake me up early again. Haha…. And I’m supposed to recover from my sleep deprivation….. So… Good night and sweetest dreamz… :Þ

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