the otnaicus daily

End of Hall Life….

Came back yesterday and saw this suspicious looking letter slipped through my door. Ripped it open and ta da… It’s a letter to chase me out of hall. Ha ha. Well, I guess this would have happened sooner or later. I guess I could continue to stay and let them charge me at $7.50 a day but something in me is telling me to move on, to close this chapter of my life and to start writing the next chapter.

So this coming week I’ll be spending a lot of time throwing away things and packing. Hope I have enough boxes to dump all my stuff in. Gonna be moving to Meng Tat’s place first. I just thank God that He has blessed me with good friends who can help in time of need. At the moment, not gonna be staying with Raymond already cuz of some change of plans on his side. So gonna see one of the TV crew’s house on Tuesday to see whether it’s a viable place to stay. I don’t know him all that well, but at least he’s not a complete stranger. And, he’s from church… Hehehe…. 😉

Oh well, the jitters are in me, with all the changes and stuff. But I pray that God will help me remain calm and take things in my stride. And somehow, through all this, I can emerge a person who has gained some experience. This is unchartered territory that I’m walking into. But with God by my side, who can be against me.

Well, off to bed then. I’m trying not to think about this too much, but do keep me in your prayers. Good night, and sweetest dreamz…. :Þ

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