the otnaicus daily

The Tsunami Incident and Stuff….

Sigh… I know it’s been like almost three weeks since this incident happened, but whenever I read about it in the newspapers, tears come to my eyes. It’s interesting to see what can happen in this world that we live in. Interesting and yet devastating. For those who have lost people in the incident, my condolences and prayers are with you. It’s tough to have this happen, making it the lousiest end ever to a year. But all this can be expected in the end times.

Well, it has been a busy two weeks for me. Have been running about a bit. Job search update. Still looking. Found two interesting ones at Agilent but have yet to do anything about it. Gonna do it soon. I promise.

Past two weeks or so have been hanging out with Michelle a lot. No, not the Michelle that’s in TV but the Michelle who’s studying in SCA Australia. It has been fun shopping and catching up with her. She has only been coming back once a year since she went to Australia to study and I dare say this time round she’s back, I’ve spent the most time with her. It’s great to fellowship and catch up with a friend who’s been away for ages. Somehow, when the friendship is close and strong, no matter how far apart and how long you’ve been apart, the wonders of friendship just brings everything back in place. Seriously taught me something about friendship.

Sigh.. Time to go to bed. Another long day tomorrow. Will update soon… Cheers…. :Þ

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