the otnaicus daily

An Interesting Revelation…

Just read a friend’s blog and realised that sometimes, friendship can be a very fleeting thing. One moment you have them in you life, the next this “batch” of friends has moved on and a new “batch” has come into your life. Even now, I wonder how many of those friends actually remain true to you. I’ve had friends that were once very close to me and now, well, whether it’s my fault or not, we are not in contact anymore.

Through all this, I guess one fact remains. Friendships and relationships need constant work. Work? Yeah… Work… The effort put in to know the friend very well, the effort put in to keep in contact even though we don’t meet every other day, the effort put in to find out what’s going on in each other’s lives, the effort put in to be there when you friend needs you…. You get my point. But aren’t we at some point guilty of being lazy, of not putting in enough effort to be a friend.

Hard work? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. I’m determined to keep this clique of friends that I have right now, the relationships that have been built while I am in University. I pray to God that He’ll enlarge my capacity to be able to love these friends of mine and no matter how busy my schedule can get, to find time to spend with them.

But always remember one thing. God is our constant, true and faithful friend. Cheers… 🙂

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