the otnaicus daily


It’s the wee hours of a Tuesday morning. Another weekend has gone by. I have just come to a sad but true realisation again; that time flies and it flies fast.

Remember in my last post I said that I was gonna be in church the whole day on Sunday? Heh heh… Well, spent about 14 hours in total there. Believe me, it’s tiring and trying. But as I always say, serving God is a such a joy and pleasure.

Had fun shooting those people who graduated with a Certificate in Christian Foundation for Service 4 and 6. Fun, but not easy. Try this: mount a Nikon 70mm-200mm f/2.8 VR lens on your SLR or DSLR body, aim at a subject and set your lens at a focal length of about 100mm, hold it there and shoot approximately 150 shots in a row. Yup, by the 30th shot, your arms will be burning and if you only use one eye to look through the viewfinder, you’ll find that your eyelid will refuse to close anymore. But it was a heck of an experience. You’re tyring to hold the same composition for shot after shot and you have to do slight recomposition and focusing within a time span or 3 seconds between shots. Some training on endurance photography. Ha ha.

After all that, I directed for the Chinese Service. Pst. Chang was a very funny and good speaker. He gave a good explanation why elderly people hunch forward when walking or crossing the road. You see, elderly people also has a sense of urgency when getting from place to place and that sense of urgency comes from the head. But unfortunately, their legs can’t move as fast. As such, you have that hunching forward. Get it? If you don’t, nevermind. But the point is he brings practical messages across. I would love to be able to sit and listen to him when I’m not on duty. Hee…

After the Chinese Church Service, it’s a quick dinner and transition into the main SOT graduation. Was on the crane for that. Pretty standard service. After that go makan and our dear friend, cell group member and fellow ministry member treated us to a sumptious meal of chilli crab. That was some supper… Hahaha…. Thanks again Chin Kiat…

Man, that was a super tiring Sunday. But as I said, it was fun.

Gotta go to bed now. Will update again soon. In case you haven’t noticed, my blog has a RSS feed now. So if you’re interested, the link is on the right. If you wanna know how to do it, call, sms, email, tag me. Until the next time, cheers… :Þ

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