the otnaicus daily

Busy week….

Sigh… A long week just passed, and a long day coming up ahead. Gonna be in church the whole day again to cover the Certificate of Christian Foundation graduations in each of Sunday’s service and then to cover the main SOT graduation in the evening. In between that, I’ll be directing for the Chinese Church service. Yeah, so most probably when I get back tomorrow evening, I’d be half dead. But hey, serving the Lord is the highest privilege for me. As long as I can continue to serve Him, I’d do it with great pleasure.

Found out on Friday that a friend of mine from the TV ministry is looking to share a rented flat. So most probably I’ll be moving in with him. Now to rope Daniel in… Hehehehehe…. We’ll see how that one works out, but I really pray that we can come to some agreement so that we can get this moving quick. Hee.

A little update on the job hunt. Well, nothing much yet. Not too easy cuz a lot of the jobs on the market are looking for people with some form of experience, which I don’t have. But I’m trusting in the Lord that He’ll show me one soon enough, and I can start working and stop depending on my parents.

Was sitting in service today and Pastor Kong was preaching on how Jesus was like. One particular point in this 4-point sermon hit me and it is “Be like Jesus in His attitude”. The four sub-points to that point hit me even more:

a. A willing heart releases ability

b. A willing heart releases energy

c. A willing heart releases strategy

d. A willing heart releases blessings

I was just thinking back to the past week of happenings, aka my discussion with my dad about going on to serve full time. I guess what my dad said was right. I was kinda afraid of facing the reality of life having been pretty much turned off after 5.5 years of computer engineering. Think God has always impressed in my heart that even though I wanna serve Him full time immediately after I graduate, I probably should be getting myself some experience in my field of study first. So I guess that’s what I’m gonna do for now. And I’m going to be just like Jesus in His attitude when it comes to my job; gonna have a willing heart so that I can release ability, energy, strategy, and blessings in my life through this job.

Okay. I gotta go iron clothes for tomorrow. And then off to bed. So until the next time, cheers….. :Þ

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