the otnaicus daily

It’s Finally Over……

The meaning of my title is two-fold. Firstly, yes, the exams are finally over. Secondly, the schooling phase of my life is over. As I just told my friends recently, I’m going on permanent Industrial Attachment. Think most of you should know, that I’m having very mixed feelings about school ending and working life starting. But I guess this is part and parcel of life. One chapter ends, the next one begins.

Had a talk with Bro. Adrian just now. He’s the TV Ministry’s HOD. Asked me whether I would like to come on and serve full time in church. Just to dispell some of the misconceptions that some of you may have, it is a job, therefore I’m paid. It comes with benefits and stuff. But I guess the most important factor is whether this is my calling in life. Serving God full time is not a decision that one makes lightly. Although I have been having the desire to serve in the media department of my church full time, I’m still having doubts as to whether this is really the path God intended for me. I guess I still need to search God about this. I won’t go for it unless I have my parents’ nod and God’s nod. No point doing this and then quarrell with my parents my entire life. Sigh.. Pray for me….

Well, I’m gonna relax for a bit and catch up with my friends. Then it’s apartment-hunting and job-hunting time. Again, pray for me hor….

Okay, time to go shower and prepare for my presentation on Monday. What presentation?? My FYP presentation. Until the next time, ciaoz and cheers…. :Þ

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