the otnaicus daily

The War is Ending!!

Sigh… Even though I have only 3 papers, I’m feeling pretty worn out. Probably it’s the mind games I need to keep playing with myself to make sure I stay focused in that week between my papers. But I’m glad it’s coming to an end. This Friday will mark my partial freedom; partial cuz I still have a FYP presentation to work on.

Aside from exams, this weekend has been one heck of a weekend. Had services at the Indoor Stadium with Rev. Dr. Ulk Ekman. The word he delivered was so powerful. Although I was half stoning in the control room and half walking around the stadium shooting pictures, just felt the word fall on the place so strong. I have to try to get a hold of the recordings and sit down and listen to the sermon.

Covered a church event officially for the first time as a photographer. It was an amazing experience but I’m left wondering whether my shots are gonna be usable. But I really just thank God for the experience. I didn’t know that covering an event as a photographer can wear you out so much. At the end of the service on Saturday, my legs felt like a ton of lead has been attached to it. But it’s all worth it, especially when you are serving the Lord.

Well, I’ve slacked enough. Time to hit my books again. To all my friends who have completed their exams, congratulations and go play. For those of you who still have papers this week, soldier on. The end is very very near. Gambatte!!!

Well, that’s all folks… Cheers… :Þ

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