the otnaicus daily

Sigh… Here I am in the lab again, slacking away….

Sigh… Here I am in the lab again, slacking away. Ever since I got here at around 2pm, I’ve watched the 2nd episode of Joey, that new sitcom with Matt le Blanc, and then searched around for music to listen to, took a 15 to 20min nap, and now, here I am typing an entry in my blog. Productive afternoon huh?

Having a hard time looking for the resources I need to make my two other programs. At least, now I’ve found one and can make sure that one of my FYP-related programs can work and work correctly. Just an update on my FYP, supposed to be finishing up my report for tomorrow and then another two more programs to do some performance comparison. One is almost done, hopefully not much to debug.

Was chit-chatting with my supervisor after discussing my FYP just now. Realised that in just under 1.5 months I’ll be out of here; here being NTU. Kinda sad having been here for the past 5 odd years of my life. Gotten to know tonnes of people, people from the OnZ Club, people like MJ, where we can sit and “biatch” and take walks around NTU with and many many others. I guess I’ve gotten very used to life in NTU, my nice little (but messy) cubbyhole that I’ve called my home for the past 5 years. But I guess it’s time to face facts and move on with life. This chapter is closing, and a new one is opening. And what a long chapter it’s gonna be. Work. No more long school holidays. But well, I know one thing’s for sure. Everything’s gonna be alright as long as God is there walking down this road with me.

Well, I hope that I’ll still be able to keep in contact with all these friends of mine, friends that I don’t wanna lose just because I’m not in the same school as them anymore. It won’t be everyday that I talk to them, but at least we can call each other up and chit-chat and stuff.

Think I’m gonna head back to my work. My throat is irritating the heck out of me. And a bout with sinus yesterday isn’t helping the situation. Anyway, until next time… Cheers….. :Þ

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