the otnaicus daily

Oh my… Been in my FYP lab since 1.30pm and it’s …

Oh my… Been in my FYP lab since 1.30pm and it’s now 5.35pm as I’m typing up this post. That’s 4 hours of my life down the drain, or rather, gone to help me graduate. Haha. Deadline is on the coming Monday, so have to buck up a bit. Most probably I’m gonna hole myself up in the lab this whole week. And on top of this, still got 2 more assignments that I have to complete. Going slightly bonkers, but thank God that He’s always here with me to guide me and to give me the strength to persevere.

At least I got a chapter of my report done. That makes it 2.5 chapters down, another 1.5 to go. Half a chapter?? Yeah, the security of OMAC is driving me up the wall. I don’t know how to paraphrase the thing from my research material and dumping it into my report. Hope I’ll be able to meet my supervisor within this two days. Have to sort this out with him.

Think I’m gonna leave this place soon. No more mood to do anything besides doing nothing. Sleepy and the right side of my body is aching. Kinda like a backache but this one is on the right hand side, near the kidney area. Hopefully it’s just me having strained some muscles and not anything else. Getting me a bit worried actually. Got it a few days ago, went away and yesterday evening when in church, it came back. I wonder what’s the cause. Pain until I can’t sleep on my side at night leh. Now then, do muscle aches prevent you from sleeping on your side? Hmmz… That’s what’s getting me worried….

Haiz… I’m even falling asleep as I type this out… This place is conducive for doing work but at the same time, give me a mattress and I’ll be out like a light. Haha… Anyway, gotta go pack up already. Need to go to Popular to get some stuff before heading back.

Until the next post…. Cheers…. :Þ

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