the otnaicus daily

Hehehehe… Had myself plenty of fun today, or rat…

Hehehehe… Had myself plenty of fun today, or rather, yesterday, since now it’s Saturday. Went to grab a pretty late dinner with a bunch of my friends at NYDC. Late as in we only got into NYDC at 10pm and started eating only at 10.30pm.. That’s late right?? Hehe… Before that, went to play table-tennis but all that went to waste since we had the big dinner at NYDC… Hahaha…. Then after that, we went for a few games of bowling.. It just feels so good relaxing with friends and having fun at the same time…

Well, aside from the fun, tried hard to finish up as much as I can for my FYP report which is due today. About 50% done, but the most difficult part now is to transfer my research material on the security on this particular encryption scheme.. Too much of those funny notation and not enough simple, plain English… Guess I’ll just send this in first and see what my supervisor says.. Of course, in the mean time, I’ll work to complete the report. Stressed still?? Yup… 🙂

A long weekend ahead. Tomorrow directing for Children’s Church and Service 2. Then doing Cam 3 for Service 3. SD for Service 4. Cam 3 for Service 5. Meeting regarding Children’s Church Big Day on Sunday at 6pm. Think I’m gonna be so tired out after this weekend. God help me through this…. And I know He will…

I guess that’s all for now.. Oh yes, need to thank God that my friend’s mom’s operation went smoothly. Just praying now for a quick recovery… Yup, that’s all… Time for bed… Hahaha…. Cheers…. 😉

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