the otnaicus daily

Haha… Just realised that I have one more server …

Haha… Just realised that I have one more server that I can store my music on.. One with an unlimited bandwidth, or so I think… It’s called the NTU Personal Web Pages server… Hahaha… First good use I’ve found for it… So hopefully, the music will flow through nicely and without any interruptions…

Okay.. Moving away from the subject of my music… Hahaa… Yeah… Went for a “food tour” around Singapore with my friends.. Basically eating the whole day at well-known eateries around Singapore… Yup, you’ll be surprised at the number of good food available in this little island state.. And by good food, I mean the hawker fare.. Fried Kuay Teow, Chicken Rice, Poh Piah, Satay, etc. Basically, great stuff to eat… And so stuffed now… Haha… And feeling super sinful…

A brand new day tomorrow… Meeting Darminder and his “management team” for a discussion on how he should take his vocal coaching thing from here… Then I guess I’ll be back in NTU to work on my FYP and hopefully, meet my supervisor to update him… This is gonna be one stressed out week, so if you don’t see me updating my blog, please do excuse me…

Anyhow, I’m gonna go work a bit on my project… Let me bid you a good night and sweet dreams… Cheers… 🙂

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