the otnaicus daily

Here am I, at the end of another day.. Tired? Not …

Here am I, at the end of another day.. Tired? Not so, cuz of a short day… Fun, yes, cuz had a nice dinner session with my friends just now… Gave some of them a tour of my church building too and I think they were pretty impressed with it…

Well, went to see my supervisor today.. Told him that my program now works beautifully… He asked me to start working on the other CBC-MAC schemes, and so I’ll be working on some of the other schemes… Hopefully, there’s some kind soul out there who has actually programmed this in and I can “kap” (colloquial for steal) the code… Haha… Not exactly steal lah but use the code as reference. My programming is not exactly my strongest suite, but I am trying my very best, with the help of my Heavenly Father… Then there’s this matter of the report and I’m supposed to work on an outline so that my supervisor can approve the thing and then I can actually start writing, or rather, typing the thing up. Time’s short so you’ll see an ever panda-like Sucianto walking around… Hahaha…

Tomorrow is the CEC 5th Management Committee Investiture… I’m official photographer… Haha… You must be thinking, what am I doing being their official photographer when I have stepped down and stuff… Well, haha, I’m that kind of person who’ll help a friend out whenever I can… Plus, photography is one of my passions lah…. Gain more experience shooting events would do me good also… Haha… And Lawrence, who’s the 4th Comm’s Publication Secretary, has also been roped in to do video for the event too… Funny right?? All the old birds (again, colloquial for old hands) are being “summoned” to help out… Kekeke… The irony of life… Hahaha…

Oh yes… Here’s a software review… Skype rocks… Basically something like VoIP lah… If you have a broadband connection, the voice quality like using a landline telephone… Shiok man… Free phone calls… Well, not exactly free if you’re paying for your broadband connection.. But then again, I’m using my school’s intranet, for which I pay peanuts every year… So it’s almost like free lah… Hahaha… Yeah, it’s a good app… They claim it delivers tolerable quality over dialup connections too, but I’ve not tried lah… So for those of you more adventurous ones…. 🙂

Friends, the sitcom, rocks man… I’ve started watching all the seasons again… Well, not exactly watching all lah, but let it run in the background as I work… Occasionally the very good episodes, I’ll stop and watch… But it seriously rocks… I am so sad that the series has come to an end… Haiz… Hope there will come another sitcom that is as enjoyable as Friends… Here’s a tribute to Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer.. Thanks for bringing to life such a wonderful show… And of course, to all the people behind the scenes…. 🙂

Anyhoo… I guess that’s enuff ranting for the night…. Perhaps another session tomorrow…. Cheers all… 😉

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