the otnaicus daily

Well, well… It’s now Tuesday morning, and I’m st…

Well, well… It’s now Tuesday morning, and I’m still awake installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 into my notebook as well as a computer that I’m fixing up for a friend, Catherine. At least, my lessons start late tomorrow… So no need to wake up so early…

My FYP program finally runs, although now I am doubting the validity of the output of the program… You see, the program generates message authentication codes (MAC), for those of you who knows cryptography. So I need to bring the program back to my supervisor to see whether he can make head or tail of it… At least my heart is a bit easier now knowing that my program works and doesn’t crash anymore…

Felt a teeny weeny bit empty just now as I was coming back from the library with Raymond.. Suddenly, I am released from Committee work… No more meetings, events to plan, late nights preparing for events, etc… Just back to normal “civilian” life.. Suddenly, evenings are so freed up that I don’t know what to do with myself… I guess I shall make better use of my time catching up on studies and my FYP report… As I have said many times, a bittersweet experience… Hahaha….

My room is in a super big mess now, what with my friend’s CPU and monitor lying around… But that’s not the main cause of the mess… The main cause is the installation discs that are strewn all over the shop, as I tend to do when I’m fixing up computers… Haha.. Oh well, blame it all on me lah…. 🙂

I’ve changed out of the hub that I’ve borrowed from Tong Chuan. Got myself a network switch.. Actually, I was blessed with it.. Thanks to Catherine (again), I am now able to hit the network at max speed of 100Mbps… Haha….

Okay, time to hit the bed… Tomorrow promises to be a long day, even though I only have one hour of lessons tomorrow… You see, there’s gonna be a leaders’ meeting tomorrow in church.. Hope that doesn’t last too late… Speaking of church, my PDA is there… Haha.. Left it there accidentally…

Okay okay…. I’m off… Thank God for this wonderful day… Looking forward to a better one tomorrow…. Good night and God bless and wonderful dreams…


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