the otnaicus daily

Haiz… Slack again when it comes to blogging… B…

Haiz… Slack again when it comes to blogging… But I think this time round I have a super good explanation… It’s called elections week. Also known as video editing week, or rather, video editing day. Haha….

Firstly, CEC elections… A surpringsing number of people actually came down to vote, considering that it was held on Union Day and there were no lessons from 10am to 2pm. Then after that, count votes until like crazy. Counted 400 plus votes in six hours. Super slow leh. Got a really nice sore throat after that as well cuz I had to read out the names of people who got votes from the ballot slip. Well, at least it’s now over. Results wise, well, what can I say. As usual, for some portfolios are pretty disappointing. But, I think the 5th Management Committee will survive to see another day.

Then came the video editing. It was for the SCE Dinner and Dance. And smart ol’ me put it off till the very last minute. And when I say the very last minute, I mean the very last minute. So last minute that I almost didn’t sleep on Thursday night/Friday morning. So, after vote counting, came back to edit the video which is due in under 12 hours. Skipped a couple of lessons, missed a meeting with Wendy Gwee of SAO, which I was supposed to go with Shiyan (so sorry about that, by the way). But at least, the video came out. Not my best work, I admit. But I guess the final part of the video made up for it. If you got access to my computer, I’ll be sharing it soon.

And so, after the 2004 SCE Dinner and Dance, and a night at Concorde Hotel, I’m back in my room typing this blog. A pretty wonderful D&D all in all, but a pretty big foul up occurred at the end of the event when the results of the pageant and manhunt were announced. Haha… They almost gave the winner’s tiara to the runner-up… Super embarassing moment there for the winner, runner-up and the MC. But all is well, everybody had fun.

So, another 7 days before the 4th Management Committee officially steps down. The 5th Committee is already up. And somehow, I feel a tinge of sadness even though I’m finally stepping down for good. I guess it has been all those years of hard work (5 to be exact) put in to build the reputation of CEC together with the rest of the people I have worked with. Hard work, tears, sweat and blood… But it was all fun, to be able to serve the student population. To all my dear friends whom I’ve worked with, a very BIG THANK YOU for all the fun times we shared and also the not-so-fun ones. I’m going to truly miss being in the Committee but I guess, at one time or another, the baton has to be passed on. All the best to the 5th Management Committee and the future committees to come.

Oh well.. I guess that’s all for now.. Wanna go take a nap to recover from all the lost sleep.. Will be back soon…

Cheers… :Þ

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