the otnaicus daily

Hehe…. Skipped my first lecture of the semester …

Hehe…. Skipped my first lecture of the semester today…. Or rather yesterday, since this post is posted past midnight… BUT, I hope it’ll be the last one… Last semester liao, cannot play play… Must study hard and graduate…


That said, still got one big headache called FYP… Due 18 Sept, I realise I got around 1.5 months to get it complete and I’ve barely started. I have no idea what’s gonna happen and I’m beginning to panic a bit… Lord, help me, and show me a breakthrough in this area… Programming not really my strongest suite…


Today’s a day off for the entire campus cuz of the Student Union’s flag day… Not much of a difference to me cuz my Wednesdays are free anyway, kinda to compensate for my filled Saturdays, but then again, not the same lah huh?? Saturday is still Saturday…. Kekeke….


Cell has been shifted to Thursday… So a bit of free time tomorrow evening… Think I should be meeting up with Meijin, Steph and maybe some more pple for dinner.. We’ll see how that goes.. And prob a game of pool at Nanyang House is in the order for the afternoon, unless I fly aeroplane… Hahaha…..


This weekend’s gonna be intense. Pst. Mike Connell is in town and preaching for this weekend so gonna be seeing some exciting stuff in church. Pray and hope that the service crew is all ready to take the wonderful services we have this weekend. Gotta get prayed up for this weekend man…. 😉


Going off to bed soon. Haven’t showered though, so I guess it’ll be another hour or so before I really hit the sack. Anyway, I bid a good night to all and wonderful dreams….



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