the otnaicus daily

Hello World!!!!! Just dropping a line to let yo…

Hello World!!!!!

Just dropping a line to let you all know that I’m still alive and kicking. Just that didn’t get much of a chance to update this blog ever since I came back from Australia which is like almost a month ago now. Then a week later, I came back to Penang, Malaysia to visit my parents. And in the week between coming back from Australia and leaving for Penang, was busy serving back in church at the Youth Conference. Tiring and long week, but I sure enjoyed it to the max. The conference was such a powerful event. Sometimes wish I was attending rather than serving that week.

By the way, I’m still in Penang at the moment. Going back tomorrow evening by bus so will arrive back in Singapore on Saturday morning. Then it’s off to church to serve. It feels great to be going back to Singapore, church and serving but at the same time, I’m gonna miss Penang, my parents and the food here. Not to mention the air-conditioned room that I sleep in while I’m here. But I guess that’s all part of living away from my parents. I’m sure I’ll get adjusted back to life in Singapore in a few days but will definitely miss my parents and the air-condition dearly for a while.

That’s all for now. I’ll try to post some pics that I took when I was in Australia. All in all, we had 3 film cameras and a digital one. But the pictures we took are pretty similar cuz, well, we went to the same place now, didn’t we…..


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