the otnaicus daily

It has been three days since my exams ended. Have …

It has been three days since my exams ended. Have managed to get a lot done these few days. Tiring but enjoyable….

Went back on duty for CHCTV (City Harvest Church Television Ministry) yesterday. It’s good to be back after such a long break and good to know that nothing much has changed. “Why am I glad?” one may ask. You have to understand that in CHCTV, major changes can take place within a space of two weeks. Sometimes, when I’m just gone for two weeks, things change so much that it takes a while for me to catch up with the going ons. But I’m glad to be able to serve God in the ministry again, although only for this weekend as I’m going away, remember????

Went for dinner with the ministry on Thursday night, which was Vesak Day, a public holiday here in Singapore, at the Marina South BBQ place. It’s actually a whole row of BBQ places but we went to one of them lah… Good time fellowshipping with them but left early to catch Matrix Reloaded. Friend’s friend had some complimentary tickets, so go lah, since it’s free. Plus, another friend, who came along with us, drove.. So even though the show ended late, no need to take a cab back. Praise the Lord for the blessings….

The Singapore Ministry of Education announced a new measure against students “importing” SARS. In case there are still those out there who don’t know what SARS is, it’s Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or the rather deadly virus going around without a cure. For foreign students, they have to reapply for their student pass before they leave the country and pay a $1,000 refundable deposit. They “quarantine” you when you come back and the $1,000 is used to offset the costs. This is effective 1st June so I’m not sure whether I’ll be affected by this. Need to call up the ministry on Monday to check. For more info, you can go here to find out more. But do pray for me that this will not affect me cuz I’ve been really looking forward to the trip.

Sunday will be a free day for me this week. No cell group cuz we had it on Wednesday night this week. So maybe I can use the time to finish varnishing the shelf unit that I bought from Ikea approximately two months back. Actually applied a layer to it already. Thinking of putting another layer on. So see how my mood tomorrow lor…

Right… I’m going back to TV now. Who’s Line Is It Anyway? is showing and Star Trek: Enterprise is next. Then after that, bed sweet bed. Good night, God bless and tata….

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