the otnaicus daily

Haiz!!!! That word summarises my feelings after…


That word summarises my feelings after a disappointing second visit to the Australian High Commission in Singapore. They chose the second time I travelled down to tell me that the visa is only valid for one month and asked me to go back again closer to the trip to do the application. What a bloody waste of my time. Seriously, these people can afford to be more friendly. See their faces I also feel like giving them two tight slaps. But that’s that. Not gonna hold it against them; frankly speaking not worth my energy lah. What to do?? Go down another day lor….

HItting some rough spots as I’m revising for the module Database Systems, especially the section on predicate logic. WIth all the funny symbols, I thought I left it far behind when I cleared two courses that used these funny symbols. Guess I’m back for another round. But I’m confident that with a bit of reading, everything will become clear. Worse come to worse, take a bus ride to school and go find the ever elusive lecturers. Some of them post consultation hours, but sometimes even during those hours, they disappear to goodness-knows-where.

Cell group was cool this weekend. It was combined with another cell, as I’ve mentioned before. Supposed to be an outreach but unfortunately, not a lot of friends came. But nevertheless, we had fun praising and worshipping God, the food was good (catered buffet) and the actors and actresses who presented the skit was good.

I’m gonna take a nap now. Woke up early to go down to the Australian High Commission. Later in the afternoon, study, study and more study.

Take care!!! Cheerio!!!

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