the otnaicus daily

Good morning! It’s 4am. I’m just done studying and…

Good morning! It’s 4am. I’m just done studying and now watching downloaded episodes of Season 3 of Friends.

Had a good time just now chatting with a friend that I haven’t chatted with for a while. Did a bit of catching up while studying at the same time. I guess this is what us Computer Engineers call interleaving and multi-tasking. Not that I’m great at it but, well, we all should try.

Started another blog today at Kinda like deciding which one to stick to. If you’re interested, it’s at . Xanga’s a bit more interesting cuz can upload pictures and stuff. But I like Blogger cuz the feature set is more powerful than Xanga. Oh well, gonna treat this as an evaluation period.

That’s all for now. Gotta get back to Friends. Actually multi-tasking again, but then again, I’ve watched it over and over again.


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